Prue Pye , Peterborough Artist.

A lot of us artists attend life classes, grit our teeth, get on with it and know it's good for our drawing and observational skills, then hide the results in a drawer and they never see the light of day again.

Artist Prue Pye is not like that. Life drawing is her passion and she does it very well. She celebrates the drawing of the human form, focusing on the physicality of multiple poses in each piece.

Prue Pye
This month Prue has an exhibition entitled Aspects and Perceptions at Peterborough City Art Gallery.  ( I've put a link in here for the art gallery, but it is definitely lacking in information!)

The exhibition runs from the 6th to the 29th of March and is free to see.

Here are some of my favourite pieces.

Prue Pye. The You in Me.

Prue Pye. Through the Ages

Prue Pye. Turning Point.

I like Prue's use of a very restricted palette, charcoal, white chalk and a lovely sanguine colour to add warmth. This makes her work very distinctive, as does her use of multiple poses in each picture.

Thank you Prue for a great body of work ( there's a pun in there somewhere ) and I urge people of Peterborough to visit.

You have until March 29th ! 


  1. Wow - thanks for recommending this as worth seeing Mary. I enjoyed seeing some of your favourites too. Hearing what people are connecting to is valuable and is one of the intended benefits of being in Gallery 3.
    Your intended/unintended pun made me grin x Prue Pye

  2. Thanks Prue.
    Your work is certainly worth sharing.

  3. Dear Pru,
    I am not a woman, just an old man. I have been painting since 1974! I still do.
    Where are the life classes please? I have been running my own in Wisbech for several years, but have now stopped. I was hoping to catch some of yours - it is a real pain organising them round here! As you probably know.
    My e mail is:
    There are two problems I found to my cost: finance - getting enough people to pay the model - and, frankly, we ran completely out of models!
    Yours Mike

  4. PS loved the paintings in ART IN THE HEART today. Mysterious and lovely.


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